So We’re Starting A Women’s Soccer Club

Corey Crossfield
1 min readSep 20, 2023

I can still remember when I saw the final penalty kicks in the 1999 Women’s World Cup. The intense pressure they all felt with every single one of those kicks. The Brandi Chastain sports bra moment. The amount of people watching it in my own home.

Ever since I can remember my heroes were the women on that soccer team. Soccer was always this central part of my life though it was never really the dominant sport in my years growing up. Those were golf, swimming, and softball. But soccer was something I just did for fun.

As I grew older, I’ve fallen more in love with the sport. Since college, I’ve consistently played 4–5 times a week recreationally, played far too much FIFA and attended every single Angel City FC game my schedule will allow. You can say I’m a bit obsessed.

But there’s something about playing soccer with a group of women you just can’t replicate. So some friends and I decided to start a soccer club, WLW Soccer Club.

It’s been one of the most interesting and challenging things I’ve ever done but so far it’s been worth it. So I’m going to document every step of the journey in case anyone else may want to but also just as a way of holding myself accountable. It’s a lot of work but it’s going to be even more fun. Follow along.



Corey Crossfield

Building WLW Soccer Club and writing Super Cool Club. Prev @ featurefm, FounderLibrary, Wheelhouse, bitbird, Red Light Management, The Collective.